hello and thanks for staying tuned :-) we're currently compiling photos from as many sources as we can and in the interest of not going back and forth editing posts, we thought it best to update our flickr page as more photos emerge. for instance, we covered christie brown's FANTASTIC show over the weekend but we spotted additional photos (such as the one above) today. we thought you might like to see them so we're keeping track via our flickr page. also, rather than provide a detailed analysis of every show at African Fashion Week, we'll be providing you with short descriptions of as many collections as we can cover with photos of some of our favorite pieces. at the end of fashion week, we hope to provide you with a more comprehensive overview of trend reports from the most oustanding collections.
thanks again for staying tuned!
Well done! Your blog is the best online thing since ... Google! Love this blog so much! Found it only yesterday and have gone into the archives. In fact, thank you! Very detailed and up to date.
OH MY :-) Thank you SOOO much for this! You've definitely put a huge smile on all three of our faces! We really appreciate it!
Please come again!!
You girls are doing a fantastic job covering "Arise Africa Fashion Week", I'm very impressed to say the least. Keep up the good work dears!
awwww, you're lovely, ms. ladyee :-) thank you SO SO much for that! :-)))
stay tuned!
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