Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Discover: williamOkpo

 [L-R: Darlene & Lizzie Okpo]

 We're constantly fascinated by Africa's wide reach and the work of Africans in Diaspora. You've heard of the Bunmi Kokos and Eyolas of this world -- today, we present you with a less familiar name but one you'll probably be hearing often soon, williamOkpo. Named after their father, Darlene and Lizzie Okpo have created a collection that plays with lightness, softness and crispness in turn, showcasing what they dub the spirit of immigrants in America who retain the essence of their style rather than "assimilate". We love the interplay of texture and sheerness and the cohesiveness of the looks -- especially commendable for a first collection, might we add. We also love that their pricing isn't too far left for their pieces to be banished to our wish lists forever. For your viewing pleasure:

Shop the collection via Opening Ceremony and read this interview to get to know them a little better.


Photos of collection: williamOkpo
Photo of designers: whatsupbrahh

Our Discovery Series introduces our readers to little-known designers of African origin around and outside Africa as they slowly build momentum and position their brands to be "the next big thing".

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