Thursday, June 9, 2011

Spotlight: Suno NY Resort 2012

Suno's Resort 2012 mood board [via Refinery 29]

Suno's Max Osterweis and Erin Beatty have said a number of times that they're not bound to Kenya's kanga print as the revolving point for their aesthetic, so we weren't expecting much in that regard. The thing with Suno, though, is that it's almost impossible to predict where they'll take print next, so, without further ado, here's what we couldn't have predicted.

Suno's Resort '12 takes a dizzying (the good kind) journey through bursts of Hawaiian inspired print, plaid and floral combi/clashinations, touches of sophistication via silk prints, embellishments (see the last set of photos for proof) and all-round amazingness, really. The charm-like accessories brought another dose of the bold, all suitably offset with plimsolls in a way that's very Suno through and through. 

We hear Soko Kenya will be partly responsible for production of some Suno pieces -- it's always heart-warming to know that while Suno has come a long way since it's kanga-filled days, it hasn't veered much from the original vision of supporting Africa(ns) through trade and economic empowerment. For that, the reasons above, and many more, we'll probably always have an eye out for Suno's unpredictable wonderfulness.

Does this collection do it for you, too?

- SLiq
Images: Style

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